
Saturday 3 January 2015

Start of Something New

Hey everyone,

I hope you all had a very Merry Christmas! 

It's that time of year again where we can start a fresh, have a new beginning, and for me to wish everyone a Happy New Year. I love starting a new year because it's a chance for me to start again and change things in my life that I believe need changing. But in order for things to actually change you have to be able set goals or resolutions otherwise things never really change. I saw a quote I really liked that highlighted this. Turn your dreams into wishes, your wishes into goals. Your goals into reality and your dreams will some true. 

I have been told by many people that you should only pick three resolutions in order to complete them. People have also told me never to set the bar too high. I learnt that lesson last year. One of my resolutions was to go for a run everyday... That failed for me after just one day. But who cares, that was last year. What matters is what I decide to do with my life this year. 

I have thought long and hard about what my new years resolutions should be so without further ado here are my three goals.

1. Be nice to everyone! Think more about others before I think about myself. That also includes listening to people more and letting them tell me their stories. I talk a lot and so I often forget that other people like to talk too.

2. Compliment people more. I am not quite sure why I don't do this very much now, it just doesn't seem to cross my mind. But it should. It is so easy just to tell someone that their hair looks lovey today or that I love their skirt. I love seeing the way a compliment can brighten someones day. So this year, friends, be expecting a flow of great complements coming your way!

3. And number three. Drum roll please. I left the hardest till last. My third resolution is to be healthier and fitter. I know, I know, impossible to do when chocolate exists, but it has to be done. At school this year we have swapped uniforms and I have to wear this horrible pencil skirt that shows off every part of you that sports a couple more pounds. So if I could just shrink my bottom a little that would be fantastic.

I really do hope that these resolutions aren't to hard to accomplish.

So, what are your New Years resolutions? I'd love it so much if you left a comment down below telling me your goals for 2015.

Good luck!

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